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常 chang

Home Pinyin chang

常常 chángcháng often; usually

常规 chángguī conventional; conventionally

常会 chánghuì regular meeting

常见 chángjiàn common

常客 chángkè regulars

常量 chángliàng constants

常绿 chánglǜ evergreen

常年 chángnián perennial; perennially

常人 chángrén ordinary person

常山 chángshān changshan

常设 chángshè standing

常识 chángshí common sense; common-sense; commonsensical

常数 chángshù constant

常态 chángtài normal; normality

常委 chángwěi standing committee

常务 chángwù standing

常用 chángyòng commonly used

常有 cháng yǒu often

常州 chángzhōu changzhou

反常 fǎncháng pervert

非常 fēicháng awfully; badly; greatly; grossly; immensely; sorely; strongly; very much

恒常 héngcháng constancy

家常 jiācháng homely

家常菜 jiācháng cài home cooking

经常 jīngcháng constantly; oft; often; regularly

平常 píngcháng familiarly; usually

日常 rìcháng daily; everyday

日常生活 rìcháng shēnghuó daily life

如常 rúcháng usual

时常 shícháng often

通常 tōngcháng generally; normally; ordinarily; typically; usually

往常 wǎngcháng as usual

无常 wúcháng impermanence; impermanent; transitoriness

寻常 xúncháng common

异常 yìcháng aberrant; abnormal; abnormalities; abnormality; deviant; malformed; terrifically; uncharacteristic

照常 zhàocháng as usual

正常 zhèngcháng normal; normalcy

知足常乐 zhīzú cháng lè contentment

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